Simple tips to finding the right catering consultant for you

With so much choice, where do you even start in choosing the right catering consultant for you? Finding a snug fit can feel daunting and time-consuming. Here are some quick pointers to get you started.


1.   DEFINE YOUR BUDGET: Be completely transparent on the project scope from the start, as some consultants will only work with projects of a certain size. Know your budget.

2.  TAP INTO CONTACTS: It's tough to beat a personal recommendation, so before you hit Google put out some feelers to friends, colleagues, peers and your professional networks. 

3.   REPUTATION: Online reviews and social media sites such as LinkedIn offer a fantastic glimpse into a consultant's credentials. Explore reviews and delve into their customer service. For example, how quickly do they respond to questions and enquiries? How do they respond to concerns or negative comments? 

4.  TRACK RECORD.....ask them how long they've been in business, can they share past client contacts, case studies and examples of their work?

5.  CONSULTANCY FIRM Vs INDEPENDENT: There is no right or wrong when it comes to choosing a consultancy firm over an independent. The benefits of a firm include variety of experience and greater resources; a wider range of payment options and packaged solutions. But independent providers may be able to proffer bigger savings, better customer experience, a more innovative and bespoke solution, and a deeper knowledge of local market conditions. Moreover, some specialise in particular sectors that might better align with what you're looking for, such as the design and build of new restaurants or tendering within schools.

6.  TIMINGS:  Do you have fixed or ideal timelines for your project?  If you’re tendering, what is the current contract end date and do you have sufficient time to ensure a robust process that meets the required guidelines (OJEU timelines)? Whatever your timelines are, it's important to communicate these with the consultant from the start, to ensure they have the capacity and resources to take-on your project.

7. QUOTES: Arm yourself with at least 2-3 quotes that you can cross-check against each other. This will give you a good scope and feel for what you need. These should be provided with no obligation.